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#1 29-11-2020 12:40:33

Inscription : 26-10-2020

Beginner question on conditions


I hope someone can help me. I have been using the password option to ask questions in my game and have things happen when the answers are correct or wrong.

I now have a question that I need them to answer and it will be correct if they use the word 'food' in the answer.

I made an interaction that asks the question and stores the answer as a variable. Then I made another interaction that set the condition of the variable having food in it and the effect as show a message.

I think I did this correctly, but it doesn't seem to work in the game, in the game it asks me the question and then stops. Is there another step I am meant to take which makes it check the variable after I have answered the question?

Thank you

Dernière modification par Charleei (29-11-2020 12:41:28)

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#2 01-12-2020 08:51:58


Re : Beginner question on conditions


In the JAWA logic, only one main interaction is played after a player's action. When this interaction is finished, the triggered object is not automatically retriggered, that's why it stops after the question without doing anything else.
The player would need to click it again to check the answer, but it's not really user friendly, so in your case the solution is to force triggering the red reef object again after the question effect to run the following interaction, depending on the answer. To do so, juste add an "activate effect" after the question effect ( activate:46385) to automatically re-trigger the object and manage the answer.

Another way, more clean , to do it is to use embed conditions inside the effects. You just need one interaction instead of 3

question:RED_REEF:what do you like to eat ?
message:you're right !
message:bad answer

#3 22-12-2020 22:11:56

Inscription : 26-10-2020

Re : Beginner question on conditions

Thank you so much!

That makes a lot of sense
Merry Christmas

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